Gennaro et al's Construction

The DKG protocol consists of two phases, namely, generating and extracting, working as follows:

Public Parameters: Let \(p\) be a prime number. Let \(G\) be a cyclic group of order \(p\) with generators \(g\) and \(h\). The public parameters of the system are \(p,G,g,h\).

Generating: This process works as follows:

  1. Each participant \(P_i\) chooses two random polynomials \(f_i(z)=a_{i0}+a_{i1}z+...+a_{it}z^t\) and \(f_i'(z)=b_{i0}+b_{i1}z+...+b_{it}z^t\) and broadcasts \(C_{ij}=g^{a_{ij}}h^{b_{ij}}\) for \(j=0,1,...,t\).
  2. The participant \(P_i\) then sends \(s_{ij}=f_i(j)\) and \(s'_{ij}=f_i'(j)\) to \(P_j\).
  3. Each participant \(P_j\) verifies the shares he received from each \(P_i\) by checking whether

$$g^{s_{ij}}h^{s_{ij}'}\stackrel{?}{=} \prod_{k=0}^{t}C_{ik}^{j^k}. (*)$$

If the check fails for some \(i\), \(P_j\) complains against \(P_i\).

  1. Each \(P_i\) who receives a complaint from \(P_j\) broadcasts \(s_{ij}\) and \(s_{ij}'\) that satisfy Equation \((*)\).
  2. A participant \(P_i\) is disqualified if he receives at least \(t+1\) complaints or answers a complaint with value that does not satisfy Equation. Then a set \(\mathsf{QUAL}\) of qualified participants is determined.
  3. For each \(i\), the secret key \(sk_i\) of \(P_i\) is equal to \( \sum_{j\in \mathsf{QUAL}} s_{ji}\). For any set \(\mathcal{V}\) of at least \(t+1\) participants, the secret key \(sk\) is equal to \( \sum_{i \in \mathcal{V}} sk_i\cdot\lambda_{i,\mathcal{V}}\).

Extracting: The process works as follows:

  1. Each participant \(P_i\) in the set \(\mathsf{QUAL}\) publishes \(A_{ij}=g^{a_{ij}}\) for \(j=0,1,2,\dots,t\).
  2. Each participant \(P_j\) verifies \(A_{ij}\) for each \(i\). Specifically, \(P_j\) checks whether $$g^{s_{ij}}\stackrel{?}{=} \prod_{k=0}^{t}A_{ik}^{j^k}.$$ If the check fails for some \(i\), \(P_j\) complains against \(P_i\).
  3. For each \(i\) that \(P_i\) receives at least one valid complaint, all other parties run Pedersen VSS to reconstruct \(f_i(z)\), and restore \(s_{i0}\) and \(A_{ij}\) for \(j=0,1,...,t\). The public key is equal to \(pk= \prod_{i \in \mathsf{QUAL}}A_{i0}\).
  4. The public key \(pk_i\) of \(P_i\) is calculated as \(pk_i=g^{sk_i}=\prod_{j \in \mathsf{QUAL}}g^{s_{ji}}= \prod_{j \in \mathsf{QUAL}}\prod_{k=0}^{t}A_{jk}^{i^k}\).

The security proof of the DKG protocol can be found in [GJKR99].