Execution Trace

We view a memory \(M\) to be an array \(M=(M_1,M_2,\dots,M_m)\). For a computation with \(N\) steps, n each step of a program execution, we could either i) Read a value from \(M_i\) for some \(i \leq m\) or ii) Write a value \(val\) to a cell \(M_i\) for some \(i \leq m\). To capture this reading/writing step, we define an execution trace to be the following tuple


Here, \(addr\) is the address in the cell in the reading/writing process which is in \(\{1,2\dots,m\}\), \(time\) is the time log, \(op \in \{0,1\}\) is the value which determines whether the operation is READ or WRITE, and \(val\) is the value which is written to/read from \(M_{addr}\). We can see that, in the \(i\)-th execution step, the information from the \(i\)-th trace is sufficient to determine the action in reading/writing the value from/to the memory in that step. In the end, after the execution, we obtain we obtain an array of execution traces \((addr_i,time_i,op_i,val_i)_{i=1}^N\). In the next section, we show how to prove memory consistency given the whole execution trace array.