Public Parameters
Let \(\mathbb{G}\) be a cyclic group of prime order \(p\) with generator \(g\). Denote \(\mathbb{Z}_p\) to be the set of integers modulo \(p\). Let \(\mathsf{EncodeToCurve}\) be a hash function mapping a bit string to an element in \(\mathbb{G}\). Let \(\mathsf{ChallengeGeneration}\) be a hash function mapping arbitary input length to a \(256\) bit integer.
Note that, in the paper of [PWHVNRG17], the functions \(\mathsf{EncodeToCurve}\) and \(\mathsf{ChallengeGeneration}\) are modeled as random oracle model. This is used to prove the security of the VRF.
The cofactor parameter mentioned in the irtf draft is set to \(1\).
The \(\mathsf{Eval}\) function is split into 2 functions: \(\mathsf{Prove}\) and \(\mathsf{ProofToHash}\). The \(\mathsf{Prove}\) function returns the proof of the ECVRF, and the \(\mathsf{ProofToHash}\), returns the ECVRF output.
ECVRF Construction
\(\mathsf{KeyGen}(1^{k})\): Choose a random secret value \(sk \in \mathbb{Z}_p\) and the secret key is set to be \(sk \). The public key is \(pk=g^{sk}\).
\(\mathsf{Prove}(sk,X)\): Given the secret key \(sk\) and an input \(X\), the proof \(\pi\) of ECVRF is computed as follow:
Compute \(h=\mathsf{EncodeToCurve}(X,pk)\).
Compute \(\gamma=h^{sk}\).
Choose a value \(k\) uniformly in \(\mathbb{Z}_p\).
Compute \(c=\mathsf{ChallengeGeneration}(h,pk,gamma,g^k,h^k)\).
Compute \(s \equiv \pmod{q}\).
The proof \(\pi\) of the VRF is computed as \(\pi=(\gamma,c,s)\).
\(\mathsf{ProofToHash}(gamma)\): Given input \(\gamma\) that is calculated during the \(\mathsf{Prove}\) function, this function returns the output of ECVRF.
Compute \(gammastr=\mathsf{PointToString}(\gamma)\).
Let \(gammastr=PointToString(\gamma)\).
Let \(suite-string\)="0x01".
Let \(separator-front\)="0x03".
Let \(separator-back\)="0x00".
Let \(Y=\mathsf{keccak}(suite-string || seperator-front || gammastr || seperator-back)\).
Return \(Y\).
\(\mathsf{Verify}(pk,X,Y,\pi)\): Given the public key \(pk\), the VRF input \(X\), the VRF output \(Y\) and its proof \(\pi=(\gamma,c,s)\), the verification step proceeds as follow:
Check if \(\gamma\) and \(pk\) is on the curve.
Compute \(u=pk^cg^s\).
Compute \(h=\mathsf{EncodeToCurve}(X,pk)\).
Compute \(v=\gamma^ch^s\).
Check if \(c=\mathsf{ChallengeGeneration}(h,pk,gamma,g^k,h^k)\). If the check is valid, output \(Y=\mathsf{ProofToHash}(\gamma)\), otherwise output \(Invalid\).