
Serialization is the process of converting an object or data structure into a format that can be easily stored, transmitted, and reconstructed later. It is often used to save the state of a program, send data over a network, or store complex data structures, such as objects, in a human-readable or compact binary format. The opposite process, called deserialization, converts the stored format back into an object or data structure.

Data Type

SnaryJS supported types

  • Built-in types
    • Field
    • Bool
    • UInt32
    • UInt64
    • PublicKey
    • PrivateKey
    • Signature
    • Group
    • Scalar
    • CircuitString
    • Character
  • Custom types
    • Struct *
  • Trees
    • MerkleTree
    • MerkleMap

Bson supported types

  • Double
  • String
  • Object
  • Array
  • Binary data
  • Undefined
  • ObjectId
  • Boolean
  • Date
  • Null
  • Regular Expression
  • DBPointer
  • JavaScript
  • Symbol
  • 32-bit integer
  • Timestamp
  • 64-bit integer
  • Decimal128
  • Min key
  • Max key


The provided code snippet demonstrates how to convert a zk-snark data type into a BSON-supported format by first converting the value into a Uint8Array and then serializing it using BSON.

const value = UInt64.from(12342);
const bytes: Uint8Array = Encoding.Bijective.Fp.toBytes(value.toFields());
const bson = BSON.serialize({ bytes });

This code snippet demonstrates the process of converting BSON data back into a zk-SNARK data type. This is done by first deserializing the BSON data into a JavaScript object, then converting the Binary data into a Uint8Array, and finally using a built-in decoding method to reconstruct the original value from the byte array.

const deserializedBson = BSON.deserialize(bson);
const convertedResult = new Uint8Array(deserializedBson.bytes.buffer);
const initialField = Encoding.Bijective.Fp.fromBytes(convertedResult);

Serializing Arbitrary Data into Field Elements

When serializing arbitrary data into field elements, it's important to note that field elements can hold a maximum of 254 arbitrary bits (not 255) due to the largest possible field element lying between 2^254 and 2^255.

You can utilize the Encoding.bytesToFields method, which efficiently packs 31 bytes per field element for serialization.

HELP We need to clarify which kind of data type will be supported.